We now know what sort of people the Greens are.

They had their chance. Wipe them out.

They had their chance. Wipe them out.

This is, I hope, my last posting on this issue. I know, I’ve been gnawing away at it like a dog with a leg of lamb, but I’m so livid at the Green Party. Just before the European elections, I got an email from Deirdre de Burca. This is what it said:

 ” The proposed legislation on Blasphemy is something that has been mooted by Minister Dermot Ahern. It has not been discussed at Cabinet. My party is not in favour of legislating for it – we see many problems in what is being proposed. We cannot prevent the Minister of a given department from flagging something that he wishes to take action on, but it is incorrect of you to say that my party will vote for the proposed measure.”

Deirdre de Burca was the senator who then rushed into the house to vote it through.

What have we learnt from this sorry affair? We find ourselves in the bizarre position of finding, on this issue, that Fianna Fail are actually the more honourable of the two parties in government. The Green Party cannot be trusted, and those of us who regard ourselves as being on the progressive wing of Irish politics, either on the centre-left or centre-right, should regard the destruction of the Green Party as a clear objective. A bit harsh?  I don’t think so. Despite all their talk, the party has gone from failing to deliver on issues (Shannon) to actually doing the direct opposite of what they espoused.

The treacherous stain of the Green Party needs to be wiped from Irish politics, to restore some sense of honour, and most of all, to serve as a lesson to future FF coalition partners.

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