Fianna Fail and The Right Thing.

Pat Cox
Pat Cox

John Bruton
John Bruton

We have, in Pat Cox and John Bruton, two candidates for the European Commission who are world class. Cox, a former European Parliament President, is knowledgeable and thoughtful about the European project and our part in it, knows the system and is fluent in French. Bruton, also fluent in French (Yes, it does actually matter. Especially to the French.) was a vice president of the European Convention which drafted what became the Lisbon Treaty, is well known in the European People’s Party, the dominant party in Brussels, and is, as former Taoiseach, a former member of the Council of Ministers. As EU Ambassador to Washington he has done a solid job. Either man would be welcomed by an incoming President of the Commission as a talented addition to the Commission, and it is not unreasonable to assume that either would get a high ranking commissionership.

And yet, Fianna Fail are humming and hawing about it. Why? Because, amazingly, there are some people in Fianna Fail who believe that the prime purpose of appointing someone to the Commission is not to put the best person in the job, but to give a well remunerated “post” to some Fianna Failer regardless of their ability.

There is a choice here, between those in Fianna Fail who are committed to the national interest, and that other bunch of stinking maggots who see politics (And their membership of FF) as a means of getting their hands on highly paid positions regardless of whether they are the best people for the job or not.

It is yet another example where Fianna Fail has to make a choice between serving itself and doing the right thing.


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